“Delilah II” – Joni Younkins-Herzog

Steel, stainless steel, chrome trim, Airsoft BB gun pellets, silicone
4’w x 8’h x 3’d

From the artist:

This piece is a variation on my Angel Trumpet series of a giant inviting flower inspired by thoughts about New Orleans after a post Katrina visit.

The shape of the blooms is similar to the “fleur de lis” symbol referring to an elegant flower/lily. In nature, black flowers are uncommon and rare, creating high contrast to the bright pink apple snail clusters I encountered in Ocala, Florida. Framed in stainless steel and chrome, these dissimilar elements came together into a self-made puzzle to adorn this giant steel bloom. A combination of beauty, strength and mystery.

Artist bio:

Joni Younkins-Herzog is a sculptor in Athens, Georgia with a Masters of Fine Arts/Sculpture from Indiana University and undergraduate studies at UGA. Her work is shown throughout the United States; including New York, Fort Lauderdale, San Francisco, the “Art Prize” in Grand Rapids, Michigan and abroad in Italy, Columbia, Peru, Poland, and Ghana, Africa. She lures the viewer in with luscious colors and materials to contemplate content in close proximity. Her sculptures are hybrids, mythologies, and metaphors about plants and relationships.

“My search for beauty and purpose manifests into forms that abstract femininity and vitality. I look at nature’s architecture and infinite variety of forms, appropriating aspects of plants and human anatomy with awe, curiosity, mischief and humor. Within my work the human body is displaced retaining ranges of recognizable features – but what remains behind is an interest in the dispersal and fertilization of the feminine mystique.”

Artist website: joniyounkinsherzog.com