Steel, fiberglass, resin, lace, paint
16.5’h x 5.5’w x 11.5’d
From the artist:
I am a sculptor with a love of materials. Each medium I use poses a challenge to maximize its strengths and expressive qualities. I enjoy tapping into unusual imagery in my outdoor works including large expressive botanical forms that incorporate a sense of organic architecture. This 17-foot tall form is made of steel rods welded together like an extruded spider web with repetitious cross braces that reinforce and strengthen the flexible material. The “skin” is covered with lace and adds an extra layer of texture and is a common element found in my outdoor works. This piece, “Iliana” is an outrageous, colorful version of an alluring bloom in the nightshade family (Brugmansia) with a mysterious spider inside. Like the spider I lure the viewer in with luscious colors and materials to contemplate the content. My sculptures are hybrids, mythologies, and metaphors about flowers. My interest in botany and herbalism also influence my studio inspiration and desire to represent a feminine mystique on a grand scale.
Artist bio:
Joni Younkins-Herzog is a sculptor living in Athens, Georgia and a former sculpture professor with a Masters of Fine Arts from Indiana University. Younkins-Herzog exhibits her work throughout the United States and abroad in Italy, Columbia, Peru, Poland, and Ghana, Africa.
Artist website: http://www.joniyounkinsherzog.com
Instagram: @joni_younkins_herzog